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Complaint Info

Client Complaints Procedure

We, Elland Road Capital PTY LTD, have adopted this complaint procedure to ensure that complaints that may arise from our relationship are treated fairly and in a timely manner. The Company is authorized and regulated by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) of South Africa, with FSP License Number 52127. Elland Road Capital PTY LTD's registration number is 2021 / 939672 / 07 with a registered address at: 162, First Floor, Willow bridge Centre, Carl Cronje Dr, Cape Town, 7530, South Africa.

Submitting your Complaint

If you would like to submit a complaint to the company, please fill in and submit the complaint form (click on the link below). Please be advised that the Company reserves the right not to accept complaints submitted by any other means or method (i.e. E-mail, telephone, etc.). Use the following link to access the complaint form.

proceed with your complaint

Or Contact: [email protected]

Once your complaint has been properly completed and submitted, the Company's Compliance Department will process and review your complaint and contact you accordingly.


Acknowledging your Complaint

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five (5) business days from the receipt of your complaint and provide you with the unique reference number of your complaint. The unique reference number should be used in all your future contact with the Company, the Financial Ombudsman and/or FSCA of South Africa regarding the specific complaint.


Handling of your Complaint

Once we acknowledge receipt of your complaint, we will review it carefully, investigate the circumstances surrounding your complaint and will try to resolve it without undue delay. We shall make every effort to investigate your complaint and provide you with the outcome of our investigation within six (6) weeks from the date you have submitted your complaint to us. During the investigation process, we will keep you updated on the handling process of your complaint. One of our officers may contact you directly (including communication by email or phone) in order to obtain, where needed, further clarifications and information relating to your complaint. We will require your full cooperation in order to expedite the investigation and possible resolution of your complaint. In the event that your complaint requires further investigation and we cannot resolve it within six (6) weeks, we will issue a holding response in writing or another durable medium. When a holding response is sent, it will indicate the causes of the delay and when the Company’s investigation is likely to be completed. In any event, we shall provide you with the outcome of our investigation no later than one (1) month from the issuing of the holding response, depending on the complexity of the case and your cooperation. Please note that the Company shall consider your complaint as closed and cease the relevant investigation in case you fail to respond to our officers within the period of three (3) months from the date of the submission of your complaint. When we reach an outcome, we will inform you of it together with an explanation of our position and any remedy measures we intend to take (if applicable).

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संपर्क विवरण
शिकायतों के लिए

पंजीकृत पता: दक्षिण अफ्रीका, केप टाउन, कार्ल क्रोन्जे डॉक्टर, विलो ब्रिज सेंटर, पहला मंजिल, 162, पिन 7530

वित्तीय सेक्टर आचरण प्राधिकरण के संपर्क विवरण:

सामान्य ईमेल:
डाक पता:
P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, South Africa
+27 12 346 6941

आप दक्षिण अफ्रीका वित्तीय सेक्टर आचरण प्राधिकरण के साथ अपनी शिकायत बनाए रख सकते हैं, हालांकि, कृपया ध्यान दें कि दक्षिण अफ्रीका वित्तीय सेक्टर आचरण प्राधिकरण के पास प्रतिपूर्ति शक्तियाँ नहीं होतीं हैं और इसलिए वे व्यक्तिगत शिकायतों की जांच नहीं करते हैं। यह समझा जाता है कि किसी भी शिकायत प्रक्रियाओं के उपयोग या अस्तित्व से आपका कानूनी कार्रवाई करने का अधिकार अप्रभावित रहता है।